Event Phone: (847) 707-1673
Upcoming Dates
15JanMultisensory Reading: Part One-The Three Part Drill6:00 pm-7:00 pm
In this workshop participants will learn about multisensory reading and spelling
instruction and one aspect of multisensory instruction known as the three-part drill. In addition,
participants will learn how to make the materials to use for the three-part drill and learn about
resources where materials can be purchased, as well.
Participants will:
1. Learn about multisensory reading and spelling instruction.
2. Understand when and why to use the three-part drill.
3. Learn how to do and practice the three-part drill
Intended audience – early childhood/early elementary reading and spelling instruction AND intervention at all levels but could be used with middle school/high school students that need intensive intervention.
Venue: Center PDN Session Link
Venue Phone: (847) 707-1673
Thank you for registering for the Center’s Professional Development Network Session!
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