Event Phone: (847) 707-1673
Upcoming Dates
26FebMultisensory Reading: Part Three-Word Matrix7:00 pm-8:00 pm
This is Part Three of Multisensory Reading. If you missed Part One or Two, you
can find recordings of both and listen to the recordings at https://sites.google.com/view/center-
for-success-pdn/student-engagement-teaching-learning-practices. In this session we will focus
on using multisensory supports to explore how words work, how new words are made, and how
words are related by working with base words and affixes.
Participants will:
1. Learn how to use base words and affixes to explain the way words work, how new words
are made and how words are related
2. Learn how to teach students to explore content rich vocabulary to see meaning and
connections by working with roots and affixes from various languages
Intended Audience:
Venue: Center PDN Session Link
Venue Phone: (847) 707-1673
Thank you for registering for the Center’s Professional Development Network Session!
Here is the link to join: